Well....after spying on strangers blogs for the last couple of months I decided I would try to blog and see if I like it. I enjoy reading about so many other people's lives and I feel like I have been invited to sit at their dinner table like an old friend. It's amazing to see so many common threads among other bloggers, that we all share the same worries, hopes, dreams and we are all just a little bit weird. So anyway, I can't say that my life is extraordinarily interesting and I worry about what in the hell do I possibly have to blog about but who cares really. If nothing else, I am basically typing out whatever thought comes into my head. Sounds like really cheap therapy if you ask me. God knows I could probably use some professional help. So anywho...I say that alot. I am a brand new mommy at 33 years old. I was one of those people who said until I was 31 1/2 that I would never...and I mean never....reproduce. I found that I would talk to my friends and they would have to run off to soccer practice, or dance class or they would bail on me because one of their offspring was ill. Frankly, for a long time I found it quite annoying. After a while I began to wonder that maybe there was something to this whole populating the earth thing. I mean look at what I do for a living, I help other women bring their children into this world. I've delivered quite a few myself...when time is of the essence. I can honestly say I have rocked, held, fed and changed hundreds of babies and I never got this overwhelming urge that I just have to have one. Until one night, I was sitting up at the nurses station watching the time tick slowly by, waiting for my 12 hour shift to be over. I was holding a brand new baby girl and she was all snuggle up on my chest making her little sounds, and I just knew. I want one!!! So fast forward three years and now here I am...a new mommy to my adorable little girl. The point of all this rambling, you ask? I imagine that is mainly what I shall talk about...mommyhood....working mommyhood. And if anyone actually reads this.....welcome!
Glad you got a blog!
HI! Congrats to your and your new arrival! I found this randomly by a googly alert I have set up on the name "Harbourt"! My name is Susan Harbourt and I live in Illinois...34 and just had baby #2 in late April. I wonder if our Harbourt lines are related. Most of my hubby's family is from the NJ area. I randomly met some that are in the Louisiana area that are distant Harbourt relatives. How cool! Well reguardless, congrats to another Harbourt baby, my sis in law also just had her first this spring as well. Here are some links to me...
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