Friday, November 19, 2010

Show Us Your Life....School Bus Yellow Laundry Room

Today over at Kelly's Korner, the house tour continues and today is laundry rooms, bonus room, play rooms, etc. I only have the laundry room to speak of!! It's kind of hard to take photos in little rooms like bathrooms...just sayin!!! This is standing in the hallway and you can see my pride and joy. Stainless steel, front loading washing machine and dryer!!! I have had these things for 4 years and LOVE them!!! You can was a whole weeks worth of clothes in these things!!!!

You may notice several framed black and white photographs....these are all photos of our greatgrandparents and other relatives. I love the's exactly the same color as a school bus!!!!

I hope you enjoyed the door....we are running out of rooms sadly!!! Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a spacious room!

Elizabeth said...

Love the color, what a happy room!

Jamie Kubeczka said...

Very cute! I love that you have so much space and a sink!! That is super cool!

Anonymous said...

I love the washer and dryer! I lived with my parents for about half of college, and when I moved out I still did laundry there because they have giant front loaders as well, and I could fit two weeks' worth of my own clothes in a single load, not to mention things like an entire duvet or all of my sheets/pillow cases. When I eventually got a roommate who had a washer and dryer of her own, they were TINY. I lived with her for two years, and recently moved back in for a few months with my parents. The first time I went to do my laundry, I had about ten things in my hands, went to put them in the washer, and realized that I needed WAY MORE STUFF to actually run the load! They're so spacious.

Kate@CatchupwithKate said...

this doesn't even look like a laundry room... great job!

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Love the color! Mine is yellow to! I call it HELLO YELLOW! It is bright!

Anonymous said...

I love your laundry room! What is the name of your wall color? It sure doesn't look school bus yellow!

twinkietotmom said...

I love this laundry room! It probably makes doing laundry not quite as bad when you have a space like this to do it in!

Unknown said...

I noticed your cute dog in one of the photos. Adorable.

Shoshanah said...

Your laundry room looks huge! And I love all the storage those wooden cabinets must give

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your laundry room! It is so bright, yet cozy and it looks to be very functional. I'm jealous!

Renae said...

Love your laundry room very cozy feeling and looks multi-functional.